Please write your comments about this whole site here.
Do not comment here on a particular article. Comments here (and the star rating below) should be about the "The whole website as such".
But before you write something here please read Typical reproaches. Especially if you are from the US or the UK.
This site rocks/sucks!,
Terrible site claiming to be about heavyweight boxers but focuses on discrediting past champions and glorifying the Klitschko brothers and their frankly abysmal divison
I am salivating over the Klitchko vs. Haye fight! I hope Vlad puts that dude into a coma!!!!!!!!!!!! Haye is GARBAGE!!!!! This should be Vlad's swan song!!!! I hope Haye tastes his own spinal fluid!!!!!
This is some good work you've done man. Some ideas for other analysis you may like to write. Lennox/Klitschko, Holmes/Klitschko or Holmes/Ali, Morrison/Tyson, Tyson/Foreman, Bowe, Holyfield. Your work on Wladimir is extensive but you should cover the pros cons of these other fighters and match ups in between the current era and the golden age to provide a clear continuity for readers.
Your stats and research is top notch and your opinions well calculated. Your enthusiasm for fighting opinions is almost as hearty as the boxers fighting spirits you talk about haha :) Sometimes though you do show a little too much bias for an "objective" site, not that i'm complaining, it makes for the most entertaining boxing blog ever lol. Nice one!! =P
Also maybe Valuev to other giant boxers of the past or one feat David Haye to prove how good he stacks up against prev champs and show that the current era is the most talented based on more than just the champ (Haye would likely defeat most previous opposition also).
Have been posting on ESB otherwise known as Boxing News 24 Forum under the accounts Tommo, Glover and Collins… ALL of which have been deleted one after another.
This forum represents the highest concentration of nostalgic nuthuggers ever assembled. Some are real believers in the old time nutbaggery and some are obviously there to promote past boxers ahead of the recent eras with a clear agenda.
Unfortunately any responses I managed to obtain fall completely under what you outline in typical reproaches, there is just no reaching these guys! They are under the protectionism of administrators who delete entire accounts, threads and posts and make bans purely for having a realist opinion and presenting the facts to prove it against the "Ali is the greatest, Modern boxing sucks" theme.
There can be no logical debate on that forum! It should be publically boycotted for what it is. A haven for nuthuggers!
Could admin please complete the article "Would Ali's style be considered disgusting today or merely just ineffective?"