Heavyweight Boxing Rankings (#6) The all time greatest boxer

Alright! So here it is the final toplist that based on real-world records. EVERY FIGHT is considered, not only signature bouts or famous fights. The WHOLE record is analyzed.

I think the correct definition of a top fighter is "Top performance against top fighters". However this introduces problems: What is a top performance, what are top opponents and is a top performance against mediocre fighters worth more than a mediocre performance against top fighters?

And: Does beating a few strong guys count more than beating a lot of weak guys?

Therefore my tables are as complete as possible to address these different issues.

These tables are

  • objective (= no opinion, bias-free)
  • standardized (= same rules for everyone)
  • non-revisionistic (= only official results are accepted)
  • factual (= based on real-world performances, no-fantasy, no fame-name-acclaim)

For a comparison of world champions alone read Heavyweight Boxing Rankings (#2) A common sense formula -OR- Ratio*Quality

For a comparison of KO'ratios alone read Hardest hitters of boxing: KO stats of Tyson, Klitschko, Foreman, Shavers and other knockout artists


Where do boxers rank all-time? Who has achieved more? I also added famous bum-beaters (Eric Esch, LaMar Clark) to show that the automatic ranking works as expected by ranking them as low as they deserve.


Please note: This article is part of a multi-part series:


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Comments (1)

  • Tommo says:
    [ip2username: Luxa Xyso]
    #7726 Tommo (2014-11-30th)

    Please complete this article despite the fact Wladimir hasn't finished career yet and then update it afterwards.

    I want to see your quality*ratio formula in action and see the projected worth of all the top contenders of the champs+top contenders of my eras (Lewis+Klitschko eras and Mike Tyson) and the nostalgic champs (pre-80's).

    These tables would be extremely useful when arguing with forum nut bags.

    Huge work has been done obtaining all the necessary figures, compiling them etc. Highest respect!

    You really should have a prominent place as a boxing expert and analyst worldwide!

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    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :-) :( :!: 8-O 8-)
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